Monday, February 28, 2011


SO...we received a phone call at 5 a.m. with "emergency" lighting up in the caller id.  Jesse stumbled to grab the phone and when he picked it up he was greeted with a message from the weather center announcing that we were under a tornado warning and need to seek shelter asap!
I sat up and turned on the the TV to see what was happening and saw that indeed there were multiple sighting of tornado's all around us *YIKES*!
So we got up, grabbed a flash light, cell phones and the kids (okay, I grabbed diapers and wipes a sippy & blanket), and we headed to the basement.
The kids were so groggy that they didn't know what was happening until they saw the lightening and heard the thunder.  We turned on the television downstairs to see the weather and when they said "tornado" the Red's start freaking out!  I mean, question after question after question!  "Is the tornado going to get us?", "Is the thunder the tornado?", "Is the tornado going to take our roof off?", "what is a tornado?". 
Then the weather man reported that there had been a tornado in the town right next to ours that is literally 2 miles from our house...freaky, freaky.  In the next county over, which is about 10 miles down the road, there was a house that was flattened by an F3! 
Finally the storm passed and we were able to return to our bed (plus a few kids), but I couldn't sleep.  My mind was racing, thinking back to the last time I had to "take cover".  You see I am no stranger to tornado's.  I grew up in Alabama where it's ranked to be the state with "highest percentage of tornadoes rated as of significant intensity" ( 
And on April 8, 1998 that percentage turned out to be true as an F5 tornado ripped through the middle of the state.  The towns in it's path were Oak Grove, Sylvan Springs (where I lived), and Edge water  leaving a path of destruction 19 to 20 miles long in it's wake.  It looked like a bomb were completely demolished, people I knew lost everything.  I had a friend that lived just down the street that I grew up with and their house was completely wiped out.  They only survived because they went into the crawl space under the house.  We were about 10 houses down from where this tornado ripped through and were thankfully left untouched. 
I happened to be at a friends house that night and was right in the path of this devastating storm.  Luckily they had a storm shelter that we took refuge in and all I can remember is complete silence followed by the loudest roaring sound I've ever heard.  Then the shelter's door began to shake and we all coward low.  After what seemed to be an eternity the winds finally calmed and we climbed out.  My dad was so worried about me that he drove through all the destruction to get me.  On the way home I got a first hand glimpse of the "aftermath" of this F5.  There were people wandering the street in utter shock, debris was everywhere and the town I grew up in was unrecognizable.
The military was brought in and I had to show my license everyday just to get home!

It is unreal the damage these storms can do!  So please make sure you have your "safe place" and be prepared and BE SAFE!!!  This is an event that I would never like to experience again!

I didn't think the weather could be so bad here in Louisville, but in the 5 years we've lived here we've experience a hurricane (weird I know), a devastating ice storm, an earthquake (again, weird)....and now a tornado....and let's not  talk about the allergies they are a catastrophe on their own!
I would like to know if there is a state I could move too where I could avoid any natural catastrophe?

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Well the Red's have now had their first official fight!  *Sigh*  We knew this day would come and I thought I'd be prepared for it, but I wasn't.  How could I ever be prepared to sit back and watch two of my darling children, who I love so dearly, beat the living snot out of each other?
Here's the low down:
The bickering began early in the evening over trivial stuff.  Then the name calling began, which turned into some hurt feelings.  With the hurt feelings came anger and with the anger...well punches started flying and legs kicking like ninjas and then I see my sweet little Eli on the ground Christmas Story style with Andrew straddled over him.  Andrew was sitting on Eli and throwing punch after punch after punch.  Finally Eli was able to maneuver Andrew off and the fight ended with Eli getting his tail handed to him. 

I sat them both down and we had a LONG talk about how to respect each other, how to deal with our hurt feelings and how to manage our anger.  I then explained how much it hurt Mommy and Jesus to see them fight with their words and fist.
Since I was totally ill-prepared for this event (and left to man the fight myself) I thought I'd make a few purchases for future events.  See what you think:
First I will need a uniform, just so there is no mistaking who's in charge!
and Sissy Lou will need one as well.....because she is the boss!

Let's not forget my whistle for when my voice is not heard:

and if that doesn't work:

Then I will have Jesse build a ring in the basement...just to keep them contained:
Finally, I will need this:
Not for their eat....breaking up fights makes me hungry.....and I'm an emotional eater ; )

Friday, February 25, 2011

Jewelry Sabotager

I tell you.....I have been in the muck knee deep around here.  Some sort of bleak, blah-ness, rainy, cold, non-inspiring stuff, surrounded by sickness, place..ugg!
I realized the other night that all my blogs are sort of redundant, repeating the same sort of happenings with different things.  Like for instance:  Sissy Lou did ________, or The Red's said _________, or Jesse....well Jesse's just funny (in the head)!
However, the thought entered my mind that, that is exactly what I started this blog for in the first place.  I's suppose to be about the "what's next" of our matter how redundant, since we seem to be "that" family that EVERYTHING happens to!  With that being said I would like to now get to the "what's next" part of this story.....which is another Sissy Lou did______!
I have this very lovely jewelry case that my father bought me years ago.  It's beautiful and plenty big enough to hold all my jewelry.
Along with my shoe addiction I have a jewelry addiction....but not the real, cost a lot, shiny gold, lots of diamonds type of jewelry.  Nope, I LOVE costume jewelry....just love it and I LOVE to accessorize.  Okay, don't get me wrong, I'll take the real, cost a lot, shiny gold, with lots of diamonds type anytime, but the bulkiness of the costume world just overwhelms's like a magnet to me.  With that being said my jewelry box is nearly filled.

Since I have been knee deep lately, taking care of Andrew and Jesse all the while being the "single mother" of the week, taking care of the house, etc.... Sissy Lou has felt a little deprived.  So she has taken matters into her own hands to get raiding my jewelry box!
The other night while running from bathroom to bathroom trying to get the Red's ready for bed, Sissy Lou slipped quietly in our room (we call her the sniper because she always strikes without you knowing) and SABOTAGED my JEWELRY!  There were beads everywhere, and broken necklaces just lying around.  8 necklaces to be exact....these are just the fragments of what is left.
I slid to the floor and wept for a while for my fallen, beautiful pieces that were no more......okay, I'm kidding about that last part, but it did break my heart....just a little. She stripped one side of my jewelry case almost completely!
Good thing it was just the fake stuff...I have always stashed my finer pieces in another place where little sticky hands can't reach!  I learned that lesson back when Eli was little...I seem to have a reoccurring theme, except he was more into my bracelets!

So if any of you know a good "costume" jewelry fixer, I would love to know who to call!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I Am Sick of February!

Alright, I am officially nominating February as the "sick" month for the Richardson household!
It all started with Sissy Lou getting a cold/fever virus that turned into an ear infection that we couldn't get rid of with two rounds of antibiotics.  Then The cold/fever virus found it's way into Eli and caused him to have an ear infection (weird, I know)!  Oh, and let's not forget the head injury!
Then it was Andrew's turn....I reported in a few previous blogs that Andrew had a Flu "look alike" virus...turns out I was wrong.  After a few days of battling a fever that wouldn't budge from 102 with Tylenol and Motrin (which freaked me out a little considering our past incounter with Kwasaki's...I should write a blog on that later),  I caved and took him to the doctor.  Good thing I did, because it turns out it wasn't the was STREP!
So we started him on antibiotics on Friday.......and that puts all three of my kids on antibiotics for the month of February!
Today, low and behold, Andrew's fever returned : (  since he is still on his medication it is only to be reasoned that he now has a fever virus on top of strep..GREAT!
To make matters even worse, Jesse came home from work today early....HE'S NOW RUNNING A FEVER....the evil Germies got him!!!!
Here's my sick crew for February!
Jesse went to the doctor and he has the FLU....SHUT UP!!!!!
I need to take my "well" kids and get the heck out of here before it gets me......I'm the only one who hasn't been sick in February....I feel the germie little creatures all around me clawing their way into my immune system...HELP!!!!!
Lysol and hand sanitiser have become my closest companions over the past month and have remained loyal and steadfast in my time of need.
I am leading the charge in the Richardson household to cleanse us of all evil germs that seek to destroy...wish me luck!

Winner of the Giveaway of Great Street CD

Thank you all for checking out my friends CD, and if you didn't win one of these awesome CD's then you can download from itunes, buy from Amazon or go directly to their website:

It's a toss up for me between Harry Connick Jr's My Blue Heaven and Somewhere Over the Rainbow by Israel "IZ" Kaʻanoʻi Kamakawiwoʻole (yeah I totally copied and pasted that, don't be impressed) ;)

Look for more giveaways next month!  Love you all!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Little Treasure's Kid Sale

I have got to say that this time of year is one of my favorites.  Maybe it's the good deals, or shopping, shopping, shopping, or both, but I LOVE "LITTLE TREASURE'S CONSIGNMENT SALE".

Every year they host a sale twice, once for the spring/summer stuff and then once again for the fall/winter stuff.  I guess you can already imagine that it's time for the spring/summer sale ; )
For the past 4-5 years I have been attending this sale and I have found some amazing stuff.  Things that you can't find in the store like: Ninja Turtle Figurines, or Care Bears.  I'm telling you that they have it all!
Last year I purchased a beautiful Strasburg dress for Sissy Lou for $5.00 that was only worn once!!!!
I have also made it out the door with some awesome designer clothes for her like: Tea Collection, Baby Nay, Baby Lulu, Cach Cach, Petit Ami, Amanda Remembered, Peachs n' Cream, & Ralph Lauren etc....
Lot's of boy stuff as well...but that never gets me as excited as the girl clothes!
And did I mention the SHOES!!!! OH HEAVEN'S the SHOES are galore....baskets and baskets of shoes spilling over in every size...

I get so excited before the sale begins that I have a hard time sleeping...I know I'm sick....but if you could take a glimpse of this sale and what it has to offer, you (my fellow shopaholics) would understand! It kindof feeds my addiction in a not so break the bank sort of way....and for that it makes Jesse happy!
If you live in the Louisville/Southern Indiana area and you have never attended this sale and you have kids (that's a big one) then you need to check it out!  You will not be WILL be a good way!

You will find:  books, toys, baby stuff, strollers, car seats, bikes, high chairs, pack n' plays, bumbo seats galore, clothes, shoes, name it and they have it!  And most of the stuff is brand new/slightly used!

The sale starts Wednesday Feb 23 from 9am-9pm and runs through March 6th.  It is located in the former Circuit city building 4600 Shelbyville Rd.  just North of the mall of St. Matthews.
The best deals usually get grabbed first, so try to get there close to opening day as you can.  They also have a restock day later  so that's a good time also.
Happy deal shopping..hope to see you there!!! 

Reminder of Giveaway!

Just sending out a quick reminder that the giveaway of a fabulous Great Street music CD is ending today at 7:00 pm.  The winner will be announced tomorrow morning.
If you haven't entered yet, check out the post:

Love to all! 
The Sarge

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Andrew Meets Mr. Flu "like" Virus....

For the past few weeks now we have been hearing reports of kids dropping like flies in Andrew's classroom with a horrible flu "like" virus.  As you can imagine I held my breath and crossed my fingers that our household would be spared from the grasp of Mr. Flu.  However, last night we all met face to face at 1:30 a.m.
I was awakened by Andrew at my bedside whining and when I touched him I realized that he was burning up with fever.  I let out a huge *sigh* and woke Jesse to tell him, Andrew has "The Virus"!  I gave him some Tylenol and snuggled him close.  Andrew wasn't feeling so well and tossed and turned saying his head and tummy hurt. So I grabbed the small garbage can and we headed to sleep on the couch.
About an hour later the stomach part of Mr. Flu hit.....
Finally I was able to get Andrew settled again and he drifted off to sleep.
At 5:00 a.m. I was awakened again by Andrew, but this time he was laughing hysterically in his sleep.  At first I thought it was funny that he was laughing so hard in his sleep (this would equate to one of my snot laughs).  But then after 2-3 minutes of this laugh I started to get a little concerned.  So I touched his arm and tried to talk to him, asking him what he was laughing at.
The response I got was something in the realm of little monkey's tickling him and Sissy Lou talking to him (he said she was funny).....
The he snapped out of it, and doesn't remember any of it.
Fever does some strange things people....little monkeys and Sissy Lou talking....hmmmm
Should be an interesting few days ahead!
So can anyone tell me the point of getting the flu vaccine if the sneaky Mr. Flu morphs itself into something furious that drugs can't help?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Mii

While driving to church the other day Andrew informs me that he and Eli have made a Mii for Mommy.  I have to say curiousity got the best of me so I asked: "oh really, what does it look like?"
Andrew replied: "Eli made you fat"
Shocked Mommy: "What? FAT?"
Andrew: "but it's okay Mom, we gave you great hair"

Thanks boys....that makes it all better....great hair!  Nothing like a 5 and 6 year old to boost your self esteem!
Sorry about the quaility of the picture.....taking a picture of the tv screen!

Don't forget to enter into the GIVEAWAY!!!

Loaded Potato Soup

Loaded Potato Soup
I got this recipe from my friend Christi Gibson.  I have been looking for a Potato soup recipe for years that resembled O'Charley's recipe because that is my FAVORITE!!!!  I revised it a little, because I didn't have certain things on hand, but gave you guys the true recipe. It is out of this world GOOD and hits the spot on those cold rainy sick days!  Hope you all enjoy!

3 lbs red potatoes, peeled and diced
1/4 cup butter melted
1/4 cup flour
8 cups half and half
1 16 oz package of Velveeta cheese (diced up)
white pepper to taste
garlic powder to taste
1 tsp hot pepper sauce
bacon cooked crisp
shredded cheddar cheese
chopped fresh chives
a sprinkle of parsley (optional, and the original recipe called for fresh parsley, I used dired)
(I think I salted to taste also)

Cook the diced potatoes for around 10 minutes or until about 3/4 way done.  In a seperate large pot combine the melted butter and flour and mix until smooth.  Then place over low heat and gradually stir in the half and half.  Continue to stir until smooth and the liquid begins to thicken (I used the Silicone Sauce Whisk from Pampered Chef)
It works great with stuff like this!
I also bumped up the heat a little so I could get the sauce to thicken.  Now add in your Velveeta cheese cubes and stir until all melted together.  Head back over to your pototoes and drain them, then add to your soup sauce.  Stir in your pepper, garlic powder, hot sauce and salt here tasting after adding to make sure your soup is spot on to your liking!
Cover and cook over low hear for 30 minutes stirring occasionally.
When ready to serve, have your bacon crumbled in a bowl, shredded cheddar cheese and chopped chives all ready to add in!
~Now, sit back, relax and enjoy~

Monday, February 14, 2011

Great Street Music + A GIVEAWAY!

One of my best friends, Joy Clevenger, has paired herself with an outstanding and talented fellow by the name of Mike Warner.  Together they created the group "Great Street" and have written and composed all original songs!  Their Celtic/Bluegrass feel is so relaxing and a nice change of pace from your "usual" music.  Joy's voice is so unique and breath taking beautiful that it just mesmerizes you!  The lyrics are uplifting and REAL!
I am so proud of them for sticking with it and producing this album!  The songs are fantastic and after listening to a few you will find yourself humming the tunes all day!

"I like how there is open space on the record...the sparse production makes the words easier to focus on. It all sounds well done, well played and sung."
- Ron Block (of Alison Krauss & Union Station)

Because you guys are the greatest blog followers ever and it's VALENTINE'S DAY,  I am giving away one of these awesome Cd's of Great Street.  Just to uplift your spirits!

Here's the Rule:
1.  Comment on the question below and you are entered.
2.  Only one comment per person.
3.  Make sure to leave a way for me to get in touch with you (email)
4.  Winner will be selected at random on February 21st at 7:00 p.m. and announced the following morning.....(no entries past 7:00 p.m. on the 21st).

Alright then, let's get started....Here's the question:
What is your most favorite song ever?
That's it....just answer in the comment section below and you will be entered to win one of these fabulous Cd's!

In case you don't win and still want a CD, you can visit Great Street at their website: or purchase through itunes or amazon! 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Tip Junkie

The other day I posted about the 100th day of school project that we did for Andrew's class.  We had made a "fake" cake with 100 candles on it.  Afterward I was overwhelmed with the amount of visits my page was getting for that one post.  Come to find out my "fake" cake with 100 candles was picked up by the one and only "Tip-Junkie"! If you are not familiar with the Tip Junkie then you really should check her out.  Her blog is filled with some amazing ideas!  Here's her direct link:
and here's the link to where my "fake" cake was featured...YEA!
Anyways, since the blog I posted about the cake didn't share any directions, I thought I'd follow up with exactly how I made the "fake" cake!
And to the Tip Junkie......THANK YOU!  You are awesome!!!!

100th Day of School~Fake Cake with 100 Candles

100 Candles
Ribbon of choice
Small Dowel Rod
Round Styrofoam (12", 10", 8". 6")
4 Packages of Model Magic Clay (any color you want)
1 12" round cake board

Start by rolling the Model Magic clay out with your rolling pin.  You need it large enough to cover your 12" piece.  Place the clay over the Styrofoam and press around the top and down the sides.  Now repeat the process for each layer.  Take your 12" piece of Styrofoam covered in model magic and glue to your cake board.  Stack all layers on top of each other to resemble a cake.  Place your dowel rod through the cake and cut off at the top.  I actually placed the dowel rod in the cake in three different places to make sure the cake would hold in place.  Cover the holes from the dowel rod with more clay and blend.  Now take your ribbon and wrap around each layer.  I used pins to set the ribbon in place.  Then place your 100 candles around the cake!  I also painted "100 Day's" on the top of the cake to cover any flaws!
Sorry I don't have step by step time I'll work on that!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sissy Lou's Busted Head

I tried to think of a good title for this one, but I landed on this kind of summed up ever thing.
Many of you are aware by now that we had a visit with the Children's ER the other night.  I know you all were thinking that I would have a story to were right!
It all started at supper time while Jesse and I were plating up food for our ravenous kids.  All three were sitting nicely in their chairs awaiting their food to be served to them Richardson style.  This included Sissy Lou, she was buckled up in her booster seat.  If you can't remember what our table looks like, here's a refresher:  high top=long fall!
All of a sudden we hear a thunderous crash, and we turned to see Sissy Lou's chair completely backward with her screaming on the ground.  We rushed over to her and realized that she was bleeding...a lot!  There was so much blood, that we couldn't find where she was bleeding from.
She had taken her feet and pushed against the table resulting in her falling backward.  I have to say we were a little freaked!  That was a long way to fall, a lot of blood, and a very hard hit to her little head!
Finally I was able to locate where she was bleeding from and realized she had a gash in the back of her head.  I told Jesse we had to go to the ER and we dropped everything and ran out.
Not a thought was put into what we looked like at that given point.  That was until we arrive at the ER and were sitting in the room.  That is when I realized that Eli was wearing his last years baseball pants, short sleeve shirt and crocs with no was like 20 degrees outside! They did have their jackets on at least!
Then I looked at Andrew who had a short sleeve shirt on and some wind pants with no socks (his shoes were there, he just kicked them off to make us look even crazier).  It was then that I realized what I looked yanked in a pony tail, no makeup, and no bra.....yes mam' brazier (talk about embarrassed....I was ten different shades of red). I had a black sweat suit (for lack of a better term) on that at least had a zipper jacket...but it still didn't make me feel any better!  I made a quick joke to the nurse that we looked like a bunch of hillbilly's trying to knock off some of her shock at the sight of us!
Since Sissy Lou had fallen so far and hit her head so hard they decided to do a CT scan just to make sure her brains were still intact.
I am happy to report that we left with a clean CT and 3 staples to her noggin (which completely freaked Eli out)!
Hey, what can I say, we're the Richardson's and we have to support our local ER....after all they do have a wing named after us!

Just to put your minds at ease, Sissy Lou is doing nothing ever happened!  My nerves on the other hand are still shot!
I am very grateful to our Loving Father who has kept a watch over my family!  However, I think that our guardian angels would like a break from time to time!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What I Shouldn't Have Done.....

What I shouldn't have done was left the Vaseline out in reaching distance of my precious 18 month old.  Because, if I would have done that, she would have taken it off the counter and opened it.  Then she would have taken gobs of Vaseline out and smeared it over various parts of her included.  That is if I did what I shouldn't have done....
If I did do that then I really should have learned my lesson years ago when I might or might not have left the Vaseline out in reaching distance of the Red's.  Because if I would have done the "said" above then they would have taken turns taking gobs of Vaseline out and smearing all over each other......
What else are you suppose to do with Vaseline anyways???  Wasn't it made for kids to investigate by seeing the reaction of Vaseline making contact with their skin?
That is if I did what I said that I shouldn't have done...twice!  But I'm pleading the fifth on this one!

Monday, February 7, 2011

100th Day of School Project!

Today will finally be the 100th day of school.  We have been so behind because of all the snow days we have incurred this year. 
To celebrate this momentous occasion, Andrew's teacher asked that each student make a project of 100 somethings.  After talking it over with Andrew, he decided that he wanted to make a cake with 100 candles.  I told him that we couldn't bring a real cake to school (no food policy) and that we would have to make a fake cake...he was just fine with that as long as we did the 100 candles (of course his goal was to "fire" which I said "NO WAY"!).
I figured this project would be the perfect thing for us to do during the super bowl game, so I gathered up our material and we headed to the kitchen table.  I set Eli up at one end of the table and gave him 100 noodles to paint.  he had decided on making a noodle necklace for his project.  Sissy Lou also joined in and played with the extra clay that we were using as our icing for the cake.
 Andrew and I were so focused on getting his cake done that I hadn't realized what Sissy Lou was up to until she started crying and hitting her ears.  When I went to inspect I saw that she had jammed both of her ears full of...CLAY!  We can't do anything "event free"!
It wasn't the easiest to get out either...I was just imagining having to go the ER and explain this one, however, I was sure they had seen worse!
I finally got it all cleaned out of her ears and hair and finished Andrew's project. 
Here's the final picture.....I used the monkey ribbon because their class is called "The Monkey's"!
I thought it turned out pretty cute....and Andrew was so excited to take it to school today....which is all that mattered!

If you would like to know how to make this cake check out my blog post "tip junkie":

Friday, February 4, 2011

#1 Way To Embarrass Mommy

****WARNING....especially to might not want to read might make you uncomfortable, so I am giving you fair warning right now to turn back...TURN BACK NOW!****
If you decided to stay, then it's on were warned!

A seal on one of our windows has malfunctioned and so I called the window guys to come out and take a look.  As I am standing there talking with the sales guy, (who was like 20) Sissy Lou runs over and wants me to pick her I did.  The sales guy continues talking and by this time is standing beside the window across from me.  In the middle of his spill, Sissy Lou does the most unthinkable thing to me....she reached down and started HONKING my boob like a bicycle horn!!!!!  Try as I might I couldn't get her to quit, and she thought it was hysterical, laughing the whole time.  So the harder I pushed her hand down the more she HONKED, making the action impossible to miss.
The shame and embarrassment was overwhelming and I could feel the uncomfortable air between us.  I even had that nervous beading sweat start collecting on my upper lip, and I could feel my neck becoming beet red.  I could have just died!  Of course Sissy Lou was non the wiser......
I finally was able to get her to quit and quickly ushered the sales man out the door.  I'm sure he was just as relieved to leave as I was to have him leave.
Oh my heart is still pitter pattering!
So, So, SO happy I was able to share MORE of my embarrassment with you!
*Honk, Honk*

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Peanut Butter

Who knew what a pain peanut butter could be.  I never did....I mean, it taste good, it makes great treats, it makes Reese cups (yum), it even gets gum out of's wonderful...UNTIL it gets into your hair......then it's impossible!

As I was perusing my facebook news page I came across a post that caught my attention.  It was from Anita Renfroe (and if you don't know who she is google her, you will not be disappointed....hilarious!) and she was saying how she had her new favorite snack.  A warmed tortilla spread with peanut butter and nutella and wrapped around a banana.  Sounded good to me....peanut butter, chocolate and banana...couldn't be bad...had to try it!  It could have been that I was starving since my children kept stealing anything I fixed for myself or the fact that I was craving chocolate (Ladies, I know you feel me here), but I wanted I fixed myself one!
Sure enough as I had my finished product in my hand, I looked down and saw two sets of puppy dog eyes staring back at me..Eli and Sissy Lou...then the begging began...paws up, tongues out and everything.  So I cut my snack into three sections and shared : (  Not feeling satisfied I decided to make some plain ole peanut butter crackers for myself....but guess who saw those crackers and threw down her banana snack....Sissy Lou, that's who!

Again, I shared, but Sissy Lou didn't want the crackers...nope, she wanted the peanut butter.  So she ripped off the top cracker and took her finger and got a huge glob (because I piled it on for MYSELF) of peanut butter and.....put it in her hair!  NOT in her mouth...HER HAIR, and it was in there good.  Of course she wouldn't just place it nicely in her hair, nope she had to smash it in and entangle half her head of hair with the glob of peanut butter.
As you can imagine, I spent a good chunk of my afternoon, washing, combing, washing, combing, washing, combing and trying to remove the peanut butter!
Like I said....who knew such a satisfying snack could turn into my nightmare?  Sissy Lou knew.....

Anyone care to share their peanut butter removal technique?  Publish below in comment section PLEASE!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Home Made Macaroni and Cheese

Home Made Macaroni and Cheese
I stole this recipe from Paula Deen and then changed it just a tad bit to fit me!

2 Cups uncooked elbow macaroni
4 Tablespoons butter
2 1/2 cups grated Cheddar Cheese (She used Sharp..but I used both sharp and mild)
3 Eggs beaten
1/2 cup Sour Cream
1 (10 3/4 oz) Can condensed Cheddar cheese soup
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup whole milk
1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
and more cheese for the top

Boil the macaroni in water until tender...and drain.  In a saucepan mix the butter and cheese and stir until the cheese melts.  In a separate bowl combine the eggs, sour cream, soup, milk, mustard, salt and pepper and stir well.  Then add in the butter/cheese mixture.  Then add the drained macaroni and stir again.  Place in a oven safe pan (8x10) and put more shredded cheese on top.  Cook at 350 degrees for 30-45 minutes or until nice and bubbly on top with a nice browning.

Paula Deen puts hers in a crock pot and cooks it for 3 hours on a low setting...I'm not that patient so I gave you the quick version.

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